Wednesday, June 18, 2008

HMMMM! "40"

Well, it's been well over a month since I have posted.  Lot's going on around here and havent seemed to have been able to find the time.  Sorry excuse I know.  Today is a landmark for me.  I turned "40" today.  WOW!  I dont even know what else to say.  I am not really liking it one little bit.  I have heard others say that 30 bothered them.  30 was a breeze for me.  Then I had heard some say 40 and then of course you hear others on up from there.  I have heard life starts at 40 and I am being optimistic about that.  I am just thankful that I have my family who means more to me than anything and we are all safe and healthy.   Other than a hot flash here and there!!  LOL  I know several will get a giggle or a sigh out of that one.  JW, My Airman was the first to send me a greeting this morning at 3:00 for my Birthday.  That was the greatest present anyone could have given me.  Here lately I have been missing him alot more than usual.  I would really just love to have one of his big bear hugs and I would be completely satisfied.  He and Devon, sent me flowers today.  I got BLACK BALLOONS from my mother and she is in BIG trouble.  I also received a Willow Angel and a cross-stitch friends saying framed that is gorgeous.  Another friend gave me a different Willow Angel and a balloon (not black! I might add).  And I have had various phone calls all with their own rendition of the Happy Birthday Song and I have loved them all.  I am so fortunate to have such wonderful friends and family.  Thank you to my AF Mom's Betty and Corinne for the Birthday wishes on Myspace!  You don't know how much they lifted my spirits!

Well,.... I am going to get off of here for now.  I hope Lolly is feeling much better today.  Everyone have a great evening!

Love to All!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

2nd Post today!!

OK, thanks Debbie!! Am having great fun here!! Look at my new goodies I have figured out how to do! YAY!!! Listening to some John Mayer and all is right with the world:)

First and Foremost, my oldest pride and joy! A1C Robbins! I am so proud of him! More than he will ever know. I also miss him more than he will ever know but he doesnt see that so much:)

Here is a pic of our youngest son Devon and 2 of our fur-babies:) And then with my biggest fur-baby Chloe! Also known as Bebe Gurl:) Also very proud of him! I don't know what I would do without "MY DEVON"!

Happy Wednesday!

Hello everyone in the blog world. It has been an exciting week so far! Indiana primaries, JW got a new pet fish....and I cant wait to see what the rest of the week brings! No really, not alot going on here. It is a dreary morning here in Southern Indiana, it is cloudy and rainy. Kind of makes ya just want to crawl back in bed:) Like I need an excuse to do that! Anyways, here is a pic of the new addition to the family, Jerry Waynes fish! He is a blue Beta and his name is Skyy! JW is adjusting well to Tinker life. He has several friends there with him from Keesler which makes it nice. He has also found a long lost Uncle that lives near Tinker. His name is Leo and he was in our wedding and was also there when JW was born. He was stationed at Grissom AFB with J when he was in the Air Force and quickly became one of the family. He is retired AF and still works on the base at Tinker. Jerry Wayne did not remember him since we moved when he was 18 months old. It is so fun to be reconnected to Leo after all these years.
I really need to learn the in's and out's of this whole blogging thing so I can make it more original. maybe someone could help me, wink wink:) I would like to add some music, other blogger links, More pictures.....etc.
Well, I guess I am going to go for now. I will post again soon!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Just Me

Hello Everyone. Tonjia politely reminded me that I needed to make another post on my blog:) I just need a little nudge from time to time. Today was pretty uneventful although yesterday not the case. Jerry Wayne got his perm dorm room yesterday so he was moving after he got off work. Talked to him numerous times and then we texted back and forth until after midnight last night. Talk about pooped!! Anyhow, JW and I had various conversations on how I thought he should decorate his dorm room! LOL! I just cant stop being Mom I guess. No really....he has a really nice kitchen for it being a dorm. I got off the phone with him and lo and behold, here came all the thoughts of what I think he needs! I did not even think of this before he left because his Dad didnt have a kitchen while at his first duty station or any other dorm for that matter. Microwaves were not invented yet!!! LOL Jerry Wayne couldnt believe all this as I was telling him last night. So anyways..... I am thinking, curtains, dishes, silverware, toaster, coffee pot, dish towels, paper towel holder and on and on and on! My brain would not shut off! So, in the midst of a hot flash at 12:30 last night, (at least that's what I think it was, although Dr.s would say I am too young, HA) I get up and start shopping on Targets website. Well, I found all kinds of stuff. Hoping the Target right off base at Tinker carries everything so I dont have to ship it. I know, curtains are not something for JW since he is a guy, I am just not used to all this bachelor living, especially when it's our son!!!! The other stuff, he will definitely use though.

Light bulb just went off! Next time I can't sleep, I just need to get on here and let it fly!

I will try to post some more pictures tomorrow. They are on the other computer.

Happy Evening to everyone:) Toodles!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I guess today is the day:)

This is a pic of "US" at the hotel the night before our son Jerry Wayne left to go "Into the Blue"
aka the United States Air Force!!!

Hello everyone. I have been thinking about starting a blog for a long time now and I guess today was the day. For some reason I felt compelled! I can only hope to be as good a blogger as Hallie or Deb or Tonjia or various other people who I admire. Today was pretty uneventful. I went to work and then went grocery shopping, fun fun! And of course tonite is Survivor! Although I am not liking it too much that Ozzie got voted off last week.

I feel it only appropriate to start this blog by saying that I am so thankful for my extended family also known as the AF Mom's and Dad's. They have been my saving grace for the last 9 months since Jerry Wayne has been in the USAF, HUUH! I don't know what I would have done without them and to this day, I could never thank them enough for being there for me in this journey. Jerry Wayne is now stationed at Tinker AFB, OK and is loving it so far (YAY, makes me extremely happy!!) and sad, that he doesnt seem to need me like he used to. I guess it is all part of the letting your adult child go process!! I will live and he will continue to flourish. I am so glad that we still have our youngest son Devon home with us. He is 12 now so I don't have to let him go for awhile, thank Goodness!! Hopefully I can make this blog as interesting for everyone else to read as others I have seen!!
I would just love to wish Hallie and John a special prayer for John to have a speedy recovery! And for Bre to be as happy in the Navy as she would have been in the AF although, once an Airman, always an Airman! She is just going to grow her sea legs now!! And for Debbies BF daughter Ashlie to find peace in their loss. My prayers go out to them this evening.