Well, it's been well over a month since I have posted. Lot's going on around here and havent seemed to have been able to find the time. Sorry excuse I know. Today is a landmark for me. I turned "40" today. WOW! I dont even know what else to say. I am not really liking it one little bit. I have heard others say that 30 bothered them. 30 was a breeze for me. Then I had heard some say 40 and then of course you hear others on up from there. I have heard life starts at 40 and I am being optimistic about that. I am just thankful that I have my family who means more to me than anything and we are all safe and healthy. Other than a hot flash here and there!! LOL I know several will get a giggle or a sigh out of that one. JW, My Airman was the first to send me a greeting this morning at 3:00 for my Birthday. That was the greatest present anyone could have given me. Here lately I have been missing him alot more than usual. I would really just love to have one of his big bear hugs and I would be completely satisfied. He and Devon, sent me flowers today. I got BLACK BALLOONS from my mother and she is in BIG trouble. I also received a Willow Angel and a cross-stitch friends saying framed that is gorgeous. Another friend gave me a different Willow Angel and a balloon (not black! I might add). And I have had various phone calls all with their own rendition of the Happy Birthday Song and I have loved them all. I am so fortunate to have such wonderful friends and family. Thank you to my AF Mom's Betty and Corinne for the Birthday wishes on Myspace! You don't know how much they lifted my spirits!
Well,.... I am going to get off of here for now. I hope Lolly is feeling much better today. Everyone have a great evening!
Love to All!
Happy Happy 40th!!! I will be following in your footsteps in 2 years - can't believe I'm almost 40!!
I havent been commenting on the AF site but have been reading. Just this weekedn, I had 488 emails to catch up on!! Between John's health and life in genreal, I seem to have only enough time to blog. John is ok - had a mini set back today but that's no surpise. CJ will be coming home for a vist next Friday - his whole situation at Hurlburt has changed and I've been mum on the subject. We have't really understood what's happening. This military stuff can be confusing!
I'm glad you blogged. :)
Hallie :)
Happy 40th Belated Birthday Kim!
I'm sorry I haven't visited lately, trying to catch up on yard work...ugh!
I hope you had a wonderful day and this is coming from a 53 year old! You're a kid LOL
oh and here I am late as usual...
Happy Belated 40th Birthday Kim!!
You look mahvelous!!!!
Kim you have been TAGGED!! go to my blog today for the explanation.. :-)
Wow, mega fail on my part...
Happy amazingly belated Birthday Kim!
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