Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Happy Wednesday!

Hello everyone in the blog world. It has been an exciting week so far! Indiana primaries, JW got a new pet fish....and I cant wait to see what the rest of the week brings! No really, not alot going on here. It is a dreary morning here in Southern Indiana, it is cloudy and rainy. Kind of makes ya just want to crawl back in bed:) Like I need an excuse to do that! Anyways, here is a pic of the new addition to the family, Jerry Waynes fish! He is a blue Beta and his name is Skyy! JW is adjusting well to Tinker life. He has several friends there with him from Keesler which makes it nice. He has also found a long lost Uncle that lives near Tinker. His name is Leo and he was in our wedding and was also there when JW was born. He was stationed at Grissom AFB with J when he was in the Air Force and quickly became one of the family. He is retired AF and still works on the base at Tinker. Jerry Wayne did not remember him since we moved when he was 18 months old. It is so fun to be reconnected to Leo after all these years.
I really need to learn the in's and out's of this whole blogging thing so I can make it more original. maybe someone could help me, wink wink:) I would like to add some music, other blogger links, More pictures.....etc.
Well, I guess I am going to go for now. I will post again soon!


Debbie said...

Hey Kim,

Yes, YOUR state had me up until almost 1 a.m. waiting for that one friggin county LOL. I was hoping Obama would pull out a win there and of course my state of NC!

Glad JW is ajusting :)

If you visit any blogs, like mine, and see music playing you can click it to get instructions on adding it to yours. Just play around with the layouts. Luckily blogger gives good instructions for us newbies! You got a pic on here so well done!

You can also search google for widgets and is good too :)

Tonjia said...

wahoo!! I am loving your blog! the pics are just great! keep up the good work, and keep us all posted on JW's life at Tinker.
